
资助,奖学金 & 贷款


普洛佛大学 participates in a variety of programs that are available to those who qualify. Our financial aid team is ready to assist you with finding the right combination to help you achieve your educational goals. 经济援助项目包括:


助学金根据经济需要提供资金. In most cases, the money 不 have to be repaid (with some exceptions). bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全参与以下资助项目:


奖学金, like grants, represent money that 不 have to be repaid. 奖学金, 然而, 是根据不同的标准颁发的吗, 包括经济需要, 成绩, 运动性能, 或者社区服务. 普洛佛大学 offers a number of institutional scholarships and grants to students who meet the eligibility criteria.


  • 大学优秀奖学金


  • 黄丝带院校补助金
  • 军事拨款


  • 校友奖学金
  • 学生s are encouraged to apply for outside scholarships to help finance their education. For a current listing of available scholarship opportunities, please visit our 奖学金名单.


FWS enables students who demonstrate financial need to earn aid to pay for their education expenses. 学生s earn at least the current hourly minimum wage by working at the College, 为非营利机构或营利企业. 普洛佛大学 helps eligible students locate jobs; certain restrictions apply. 不像传统的收入来源, FWS earnings are exempt from the subsequent year’s expected family contribution calculations. 资金在每年的7月1日分配,并且是有限的. Due to the nature of this program, FWS awards are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. 将被考虑用于FWS, 学生必须完成FAFSA申请, have an unmet need and show an interest in working part-time to be considered for FWS funds. 奖学金从每学年200美元到4500美元不等. 如果有兴趣参加, please inquire with your 金融援助 Administrator about the program. 取决于资金和你的资格, you will need to provide a resume and employment application to be considered for an interview.


美国政府提供的贷款.S. Department of Education to eligible students or their parent to help cover their educational costs.


私人贷款 are available to students through various lending institutions to help pay educational expenses. 私人贷款, 哪些是不受联邦政府保险的, have repayment terms that vary depending on the lender from which you borrow. 普洛佛大学 encourages students to explore federal and state grants and loans, and to consider the anticipated monthly loan payments along with expected future earnings before considering a private education loan. Federal student loans 是必需的 by law to provide a range of flexible repayment options and loan forgiveness benefits, 哪些私人学生贷款不需要提供.

一般来说,私人贷款要求借款人是美国公民.S. 公民,美国公民.S. 国民,或永久居民,必须有信誉. International students are eligible with a creditworthy cosigner (who must be a U.S. 公民或永久居民)和适当的美国国籍.S. 公民及移民服务局文件. 如果学生没有信用或者信用记录很差, he/she may still qualify for a loan by applying with a creditworthy co-borrower.

Most lenders expect you to have a qualified co-borrower before they will approve the loan. 利率和还款期限因私人贷方而异. 普洛佛大学 make any recommendations regarding private lender selection for students who decide to pursue private loan options. 学生可以向任何贷款人借款. Be sure to research and review each lender’s terms and conditions before making a final decision.

Please contact your selected lender to determine if 普洛佛大学 is an eligible institution. If 普洛佛大学 is approved, we will gladly certify your loan with your lender.



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